Medical Usb Jelly Bracelet How Can I Set Up My Foot Pedal For Medical Transcription To Windows Media Player LET ALONE Setting It Up?

How can I set up my foot pedal for medical transcription to windows media player LET ALONE setting it up? - medical usb jelly bracelet

I connect the USB cable and it says the driver is installed, and maybe I'm a dreamer, but I get no instructions or manuals or anything and still with nothing on the website, if you please someone help me ?!?!? ? ! How can I fix this without even knowing? K. Any advice is good advice.


USMC MT said...

Most pedals are plug and play, but to use the pedals, it is necessary to ExpressScribe Player (free download) or ByteScribe wavplay (use free trial version). I do not think they do not work the pedals with Windows Media Player. If you download and install ExpressScribe or other media player in transcription, the instructions in the help file, but is usually quite simple. You need the reader, what kind of file, it should be processed (), for example, WAV, WMA, etc.

spookpun... said...

to, transcription pedal? Only around footpedals lady used for sewing machines

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