I Accidentally Stabbed Myself With Insulin Stuck Myself With My Cat's Insulin Needle Accidentally?

Stuck myself with my cat's insulin needle accidentally? - i accidentally stabbed myself with insulin

my cat has diabetes, and gave him the injection, I would be the cap on the needle (not accidentally put glue themselves or someone else) and at the end stabbing fingers instead. I cleaned with alcohol and the amount of blood, he pushed to get all the germs. Can I some kind of infection at all?


Anonymous said...

If one of insulin in the body to the hospital NOW! or call an emergency number and ask whether the dangerous.

Anonymous said...

If one of insulin in the body to the hospital NOW! or call an emergency number and ask whether the dangerous.

Anonymous said...

It could be, but also his daughter. Sounds like you easy to clean. Caution, if you are infected and swollen, inflamed and reddened. Seriously, not just what the doctor would do. Clean and put a cream on antibodic. And insulin is an amount so small ... go eat something, so good.

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