Panasonic Hd Cameras Prosumer Which Prosumer Camera Panasonic DVX100B Or Sony HVR-V1U?

Which prosumer camera Panasonic DVX100B or Sony HVR-V1U? - panasonic hd cameras prosumer

Well first of all say, HD could be very important for me to HD, however, that if it is true. Frankly, I do not know what is true HD, and although I am very confused by these devices cheaper HD model, I look at the price and know that something is wrong if they have the same price as the old cameras as standard The XL2 and DVX100B. I was very close to ordering a DVX100B I know people who are used for many years a great camera if you do not need HD.

But if I'm looking for $ 2600, why not spend $ 500 more and get an HD camera model?

If the HD cameras in the range of $ 4000 $ 3000 - 24p or? Or is interlaced footage? We have a lot of pictures on a green background and the interlacing is not an option.

I do not see how HD could be so cheap that someone explain what I need.

Thank you! Both the Sony V1U heh A1U look tempting


Hazydave said...

OK, here's the deal ... the extra cost of HD vs. SD is simply not so. If you are a consumer camcorder, insurance .. You pay $ 650 for HD and $ 350 for a similar model in SD. However, a model of professional go Pro / Semi-are most expenses simply not there ... While your image may be a bit more expensive, but a 1 / 4 "CMOS HD is not necessarily more expensive these days and a 1 / 4" CCD SD, and therefore the encoder chip is also used in consumer products. .. Only additional costs.

And much of the history of pro / prosumer camcorder prices and features based on market capacity and support, and what you must offer to sell this model years, but the style tricks up his sleeve for next year. In other words, support for 24p not a major technical problem, and it is all the space on the consumer market for high-definition is practically non-prosumer HD market (the V1U is less than $ 4 -. .. great majority of them, like a salad, my Sony HVR-A1, and thus a "fake" hack som 24pand type).

Ok, so here's the thing in DV-24p ... DV / HDV ... Some video cameras fake, but even when using the camera for real 24p, like the HVR-V1U and must DVX100B tape recorders into something that is normal at 60i / Rate field. Thus, the camera does a 3:2 pulldown, and editing software, so 24p is intelligent, reverse telecine when using this format is detected. It is an advantage you get with .. tapeless data types are flexible.

I think part of the exhibition of Real vs. CCD 24p has been manipulated. To be done, the CCD devices are standard, analog chips, and the nature of the risk well. So everything is more expensive, a chip that both interlaced and progressive video can not produce. Once you have the CMOS switch, you can integrate complex digital documents on the same chip, you can apply online or through the sensor A / D converter and are faster. There are so many ways to get intertwined, like the recent shooting at 60p and the extraction of features you need.

True HD is a bit risky, because there are many opportunities for error.Some camcorders can capture only HDV 720/30p .. This is the format of 1280x720, 30 frames progressive. Most records in 1080i, but it's really 1440x1080/60i place 1920x1080/60i receive a "full-HD TV. Most tapeless camcorders full 1080i or 1080/24p consumption habits .. Unfortunately, most advanced of them, or are much higher prices with Pro (ISH) using models P1 and SxS memory cards. Not that 1440x1080 is a big problem .. is a Blu-ray backed resolution looks spectacular in the DB I have created, etc.

The next issue is the sensor ... A number of high-definition video cameras on the market are not really HD sensors ... In fact, I think the HVR-V1U the first resolution of 1920x1080 .. was complete, and it even reached the transducer (for example, made R and B sensors are between the G, at least, is how they) usually. This is not really about money, either .. Pixel compression, which reduces sensitivity to light. So, three sensors probably give 1MPixelbetter overall picture of the three sensors 2Mpixel RBG full ... particuarly in the light of the fact that a record of 4:2:0 color (not significantly different from the DV, but of course NTSC DV is 4:1:1 instead of 4:2:0).

Of the two, I personally jumped at the HVR-V1U. Nothing against the Panny, but have not seen any HD camcorder that is not a better SD video of the best SD video cameras that produce never afford (well, at least in the light ... In the darkness, I have a VX-) 2100 in my pocket as a replacement for an emergency. I built my toolchain high-definition for the last three years and just this spring with my first Blu-Ray is working now ...

evilgeni... said...

While both cameras are good cameras, you should just the HV20/HV30. They are consumer cameras, HV20, and only costs $ 400 on eBay, but do not be fooled by their looks. The HV20 is the shooting 24p * REAL * 1080x1440 resolution and the HV30 is capable of shooting 24p and 30p can. Not only that, these cameras are always greater than the sensors or DVX V1U with 1/2.7 "CMOS, the DVX, have 1 compared Sensor / 3" CCD or V1U 1 / 4 "CMOS. Of course, the / HV20 HV30 is only a sensor, but I GL2s, XL2s and DVXs and pictures of my HV20 is as good as if not better, when it was shot with the camera.

I want to make clear a few things. If you say True HD, HDV cameras to shoot for all the band (the process much easier) does 1440x1080i fire spread to a ratio of 16:9 (not distorted, but because the image is compressed on the tape, so that stretching back to normal). There are some AVCHD cameras to take the full resolution 1920x1080, BUt they are difficult to change. However, the HV20 and HV30 (a true HD 1920x1080) sensor, to start, so even if less horizontal resolution, which still looks incredible. Moreover, while the HV20, HV30, DVX and V1U offers 24p True, is located in a stream-video-60i with 3:2 pulldown (24fps in the same way movies are put on DVD embedded). So who should be made before removed to change into a true 24fps (or in this case 23976) timeline.

But here's the thing, if the HV20 or HV30, you will save a few thousand dollars. With this money you can get a decent 35mm adapter and a set of lenses Nice, how this person:

And believe it or not, these images of a consumer camera:

Check out the forums for more information (I like lotrfan Clock). The HV20 is an impressive device and you know what you are doing is much better than any semi-professional camera, in my humble opinion. Anyway, I hope this helps!

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